Scheduled Job Setup

Scheduled Job Setup


  • [font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Yes, these settings will prevent the job from executing again until the next day, even if it failed.[/font]

  • Unknown
    edited November 2023

    Im working on a set of scheduled jobs that should run at specified intervals. for instance, I have a job that should run at 4am each business day. If it fails, the expectation is that it will not attempt to run again until the next day. I know its a setting that we have incorrectly, but since we have about 40 jobs to change, I want to make sure that were making the correct changes.

    I believe we need to adjust the number of attempts to 1 rather than 0 and to uncheck requeue failed action.

    Can someone verify that these are the correct changes to make the job only run once a day?

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