How to get the root folder name in Flow Data
I’m trying to figure out how to get the name of the root folder from flow data? I’ve got a PostUserName flow that’s in the folder UserIdD->Analog->Mockup
I need to get the name of the root folder – in this case UserId. I see properties for the FolderIDOfParent, but that only gets me the ID of the Analog folder. Even if I use that approach to get the ID of the next parent, it still doesn’t give me the name. Any ideas on how I can achieve this?
You will have to use a step to get at this information. If you navigate to this path in the step catalog [b]Integration > Internal Services > Folder Service [/b] You should see a list of folder service steps you can use. I think the best option would be to use the step "Get by ID" and hard code the ID of the root folder under inputs. Once you fetch it, you will be able to interact with its data, including its name.
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