no option to create flows / rules
I can’t seem to get the bottom menu to appear, as shown in the docs:
[img]att1[/img]When I create a folder, all I get is "add manage all"
Any ideas?
[i]edited by CryptoKat1776 on 10/30/2020[/i]
[i]edited by CryptoKat1776 on 10/30/2020[/i] -
No problem at all, so in decisions, at a surface level, we have two main types of folder behaviors.
Designer Folder
Standard Folder (Data folder)Designer folders are generally used to house projects/flows/dashboards and reports. Its in this folder type that you would create these and be given the option you highlighted that allows you to create/run etc.
Standard folders are generally used as either parent folders, or more commonly to house actual data that is generated. Since these are more "storage" type of folders, they dont give you the functionality to create / run /design in.
Only standard data folders can be created in the portal. Try navigating over to the Studio if you have designer permissions and create a designer folder there.
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