Replacing Repository Server
I would like to replace our Repository server with a new Windows Server. Can you please tell me the recommended path to be followed while doing so?
While swapping the Repository from one server to another, we need to follow the below steps:
[ul][li]Install the same version of the Decisions Repository on the new server.[/li][li]Point new repository server to the current SQL database during install.[/li][li]request license key with the new machine key for the new server[/li][li]ignore/retire the old one[/li][/ul]Additionally, you will need to perform the below query on all the environments that were connected to this repository server and restart these environments.[i]update module_resource[/i]
[i] last_date_upload = null,[/i]
[i] last_date_download = null,[/i]
[i] revision_id = null[/i]Running this query should prevent any potential checkin errors and unable to find revision number errors that may occur later on.
I knew that! Thanks!
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