Datatype/Query help
To answer your questions:
1) You cannot point the original datatype to another query, as that is generated behind the scenes.
2) Yes, there are a couple ways that you can accomplish this:
Method 1. You can convert the output type of a query. Here, youll want to select your desired type as the output to your defined query and use a converter flow to change it to the desired type. (See attached screenshot and sample project.) Method 2. If you would like to convert it after the query has been run, you can also use a List Mapping Step" to convert the querys output type to the desired type. Although this is not exactly the same step
We would not recommend looping though each row to accomplish this. Instead of looping through each row, you can use a List Mapping step to easily convert a list of one datatype to another.
We dont have a specific documentation page for this step, but the documentation page I sent you in my previous email For Method 2 should still help you as it works very similar to the List Mapping Step.
Regardless of the method, you will still need to map each item individually to the respective data name.Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Howdy, Stranger!
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