Report Export On Schedule With Changing Data

Report Export On Schedule With Changing Data


  • I have a report that is dependent on data that is being passed to it: a sponsor and protocol. I would like to create a schedule to run the report export but I need to be able to pass those two params to it each time so it knows what to report on, then email it to different people.

    So, I may need to run it 5 separate times in a week, each time will have different sponsors and protocols and then emailed to different people.

    Im trying to create a system to accomplish this where I dont need to copy the flow 5 times and input the params for each one.

    This is going to be a rather big system i think, with lots of dependencies all around. Im just not sure of how to accomplish it.

  • I think we need a more thorough description of the requirements to really nail down what is making this complicated. What it sounds like you need to do is to make the flow dynamic by having Sponsor, protocol, and email address passed into the flow. Then set up the logic on the outside of that flow to pass in the data combinations that you need.
    [i]edited by on 5/16/2016[/i]

  • Yes, you are on the same thought as I am.

    Details: a flow to run that I can enter in the required parameters: sponsor & protocol, then can schedule when I want the report run, and who it gets emailed to. A flow that will take that data in, run the report with the parameters, on schedule, and email it out

  • So you need to select on the form Sponsor & Protocol. Enter a list of accounts or email addressess. Then select a time when this will be executed. That shouldnt be to hard of a process to build out. You can set up a Pause flow step that takes in the Datetime you want it to be emailed out and then iterate through or branch for each email address.

  • Im confused by that.

    I need it to be a schedule job basically, to run as scheduled, but to take in the params, which would be different for each schedule job. So on Monday run the report with sponsor 1, protocol 2 and emailed to people 1-4. On Wednesday run the report with sponsor 2, protocol 3 and emailed to people 3-7.

    Plus the ability to have a place to go to set this up easily, so we dont have to run the report job on Monday and Wednesday. It just runs, takes in the data, and poof, reports are emailed out.

  • Ok. So you want to build a truthtable that takes in the day of the week and outputs the sponsor, protocol and list of email addresses based on the day it currently is.

  • That makes sense. How can I update that truth table with a flow and form when someone wants to change something in it or add something to it?

  • The easiest way would be to edit the truthtable. We also have a truthtable service with steps you can use to edit it.

    Alternatively you can use a lookup table instead of the truthtable if you suspect that the values would change a lot. You fetch the values based on the day and send that information into the flow.

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