modifying decobj file
We are having a little difficulty interpreting this ticket, so could you clarify:
1) Are you asking if you can edit/add to a decobj file? Or are you asking if Decisions can add this feature?
2) Are you also asking if Decisions can add a feature to filter by tags?
3) If this is not feature request, may I ask why youre trying to add tags after you have the decobj file instead of adding the tags in Decisions? Also, as of 4.0.14, Decisions already includes the all tags data in the decobj file on export. -
In order for you to build your own import action that acts upon AllTags, you would need to be on 5.0, not 4.0.14. Unless youre on 5.0, there really isnt an alternative.
Second, tags do have a table but its only for storage and they still dont act like an entity. Tags arent entities and arent considered a dependency -
If youre planning on building something to accomplish this task, then I think its advisable not to go down this route. Its a little too deep into Decisions.
But if you really are set on wanting to filter imports based on tags, then I can definitely put in a feature request for that.
Howdy, Stranger!
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