

  • There are couple of things you need to make sure here :

    1. Create a Folder ( Non-Designer ). To do this, right click on your Designer Folder -> Add -> Folder.
      Give the Folder Name.

    2. You can navigate to this Folder, Right click on it and go to Manage -> Page -> Add Flow As Action.
      On the Add new user action pop up, specify the Action name and pick the Flow to run.

    3. Also, to give permissions to your Folder -> Right click on your Folder Manage -> Manage Permissions and add the user in the Account information section and give them CanUse, CanOpen, CanView permissions .

    4. On your page -> edit the page and on the page properties, search for Folder Actions Bar Insert it to the page.

    Please let us know if you have further question on this.

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