Creating Reports from Excel Sheets
Do Decisions reports support using Excel as a source? Im looking to add some reports on my dashboard and cant seem to find how to import data from an Excel file.
Thanks in advance.
You absolutely can use Excel as a resource for reports. You can use a Flow Data Source" which executes a workflow to get report data and the workflow engine has tons of Excel handling steps. Let me know if you have any more questions on building this report.
[i]edited by Zack on 4/20/2016[/i]" -
Im having some trouble setting up the flow properly. Are there any examples of the process in action?
Sure thing. Here is a document that explains how to use a flow to source a report:
In your flow you can use the Excel manipulation steps found under Data>List>Excel and CSV to get the data that you wish to source your report with.
That document was helpful for me but Im still having trouble on the reporting side of things. Are there any examples I can follow on report building in Decisions?
No worries. We will get this solved!
Here is a link to our general documentation site:
Here are some links to documentation relevant to creating reports, charts and dashboards: a look over these and let me know if you have any specific questions afterwards.
Thanks, those links were quite helpful. I am finally able to connect to the table that Im interested in. However, the view that I have for the data is not correct. I wanted to display the data as a bar chart. Is that possible?
Once you have your report displaying the data you need you can group" the data in a column. Then on the left above your report select Add>Charts>Bar. This will create a chart which displays whatever data you have grouped."
Howdy, Stranger!
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