Form Visibility Rules
While using the Form Visibility rules I dont see a CheckBox 2.
What I did to create the form:
I copied and pasted a few data elements to cut down the time of my form build. Im only using a few data elements nothing huge.My issue: When Adding a visibility rule my second data element didnt show (CheckBox2).
Take a look at the Decisions documentation, While using the Form Visibility rules It shows a CheckBox 1 and CheckBox 2.
As a test I re-added the data element (CheckBox) and was then able to see the CheckBox 2 in my Visibility Rule as shown in the documentation link above.
Great Question! Thanks for the detail as it leads me to your possible issue. When copying a data element Decisions copies all elements as is and paste all elements in the same manor. When your are updating the data element naming within the properties tab to the right, be sure to click on the Settings [Edit] and change the settings name to CheckBox 2 or whatever you decided to element name to be.
FYI: If the elements are added and not copied then Decisions changes the data element naming convention by adding the numerical value at the end of the element name. If you added 3 check boxes they would be named CheckBox 1, CheckBox 2, Checkbox 3 within the Settings [Edit] window.
Howdy, Stranger!
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