Edit Account using Flow

Edit Account using Flow


  • We already have a flow to Add a new Service User, which has a step to Create a Account for the ServiceUser in Decisions Portal.

    Now I am trying to create another flow to Edit the Service User Details getting them from the Database table, but again I have to edit the respective Account in decisions as well. Could you please let me know how can I achieve it?

    Thanks in advance.

  • In the toolbox under Integration/Internal Services/AccountService youll find Get by Id" and "Get by Email" steps. You can use either of these to fetch the account you want to update.

    After youve fetched the account you want to update

  • The Suggestion given is working absolutely fine. Thanks for that. But I am not able to store the Phone Numbers. How can I achieve that?

    [color=rgb(80, 0, 80)]Thanks in advance

  • This can be resolved by using the Add Phone step in Internal Services > PhoneService

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