Cross origin API calls to Decisions?

Cross origin API calls to Decisions?


  • I am attempting to call Decisions from browser side javascript and I am getting a cross origin error (see below). Is there any configuration allowed on the server to allow either cross origin or JSONP REST API calls, or do I need to build a proxy through my server?

    XMLHttpRequest cannot load URL. Response to preflight request doesnt pass access control check: No Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present on the requested resource. Origin [url=http://localhost:3000/]http://localhost:3000[/url] is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 500.

    Thank you

  • ​Its a browser client side script issue not a server side configuration.

    Youll need to set that header mentioned in the error or run the call based on a users action.

    If you continue to have trouble let us know and we will take another look at this with you.


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