Performance Testing
I am looking at testing the performance from the portal side.
1) Unit testing is manually performed in the Studio view. Are results stored someplace within decisions? Can results be exported?
2) Performance testing I heard can also be handled within decisions. Could you give me a little more information on how this is done? From both the studio and portal views. We are expecting to use Selenium for automation/performance testing. How compatible is decisions with Selenium?
3) API testing – again, can selenium be used? -
1) [b]Unit testing is manually performed in the Studio view. Are results stored someplace within decisions? Can results be exported? [/b]
[ul][li]1a. Unit test can be done through the debugger or can be run by a service call. They do not have to be run manually. They can be exported if the option to exclude them is not selected during an export of the project.[/li][li]1b. You can view the unit tests in the studio by going into the flow and looking at the Data Samples, going into to the debugger, or going into the folder view of the flow, clicking the gear icon, choosing Change Report and choosing the option for All Folder Items (with Hidden)[/li][li]1c. [url=]Using the Flow Debugger[/url][/li][/ul][b]2) Performance testing I heard can also be handled within decisions. Could you give me a little more information on how this is done? From both the studio and portal views. We are expecting to use Selenium for automation/performance testing. How compatible is decisions with Selenium?[/b]
[ul][li]2a. Selenium or Jmeter would be fine for automation/performance testing.[/li][li]2b. Selenium is good if you want to test javascript page functionalities.[/li][li]Selenium is good if you want to have your test cases written in Java, Javascript, Python or simple html text files. Selenium can format your test cases in many programming languages. JMeter always uses an XML format for store test cases.[/li][li]JMeter is good if you dont want to deal with browser versions. JMeter works in all browsers. Selenium has a wide list of supported browsers, but will always have browser requirements.[/li][li]JMeter is good if you want to also record HTTP, SOAP and RESTFul protocols. JMeter can be used for record and test communications between servers. JMeter doesnt need a browser to run, Selenium does.[/li][li]JMeter can run SQL queries, bash scripts, Java classes from JMeter test. By the other hand, Selenium tests can be embedded in Java, Python, Javascript programs.[/li][li]2c. The UI might make it more difficult than expected with Selenium but there is nothing to prevent any normal, browser-based tool from interacting with Decisions. [/li][/ul][b]3) API testing – again, can selenium be used?[/b]
[ul][li]3a. For API testing we would recommend using JMeter for load testing.[/li][li]3b. [url=]Server Performance Testing[/url][/li][/ul]
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