How to reassign a form with an escalation flow?
I have an assigned form that needs to be approved or declined within a certain period of time. I have specified the Escalation Date in the assignment properties of the form and I created a Private workflow to be run when the Escalation Date is reached. On this escalation flow I want to reassign the form to an upper management group member. However, I get this validation warning when I connect the new assigned form to the end step: The behavior of this flow calls for only sync step...".
What does this mean? How can I reassign this form to upper management?"
You cannot reassign a form using an escalation flow. You need to expire the original assignment and connect the Assignment Timeout path to a copy of the original assigned form and change the assignment properties to the upper management user.
The Behavior Type for the escalation flow you created is automatically set to Form Assignment Handler Flow". This particular Behavior Type can only process Sync steps. In other words
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