Store Data Type Data in a Separate Database
Is it possible to specify a different database to the main decisions database for storing Data Type data? I would like to keep process data in a separate database to control performance, space, access etc.
I know I can create a database connection and then create a Data Type over the top of that but that involves working outside of the Design Studio to create a database table in the first place.
We would need to use a design pattern that uses table integration steps to achieve this. This will require the table to exist in the external database that you are writing to, but once thats done you can use a table integration along the integration steps. Ill include a link to our documentation on this subject:
Thanks, Brandon. Thats what I thought would be required.
Can an enhancement request be added to the backlog to allow selection of a database when using the usual Data Type creation methods in the Designer Studio? If that feature were available then all the power of the Designer tools can be used without having to create the table outside Decisions.
Howdy, Stranger!
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