Needing to strip off trailing spaces
Good afternoon,
I am working on a file where I need to match up data from two different sources. I am running into a problem where I am unable to get a match due to trailing spaces on one data source.
I am looking for a step that will strip off trailing spaces. I have tried each of the following steps and none of them seem to do what I am looking for:
[ul][li]Strip Characters[/li][li]Strip Non Ascii Characters From String[/li][li]Strip Quotation From CSV[/li][li]Strip Special Characters (Newline)[/li][/ul]Is there a function that will work for my use case? Here are two sample fields that I need to have spaces stripped from:
[table][tr][td]THE POOL EXPERTS INC [td]PO BOX 65 [/table]If there is something available in the documentation, please let me know.
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Trim String step under Data > Text in the step toolbox can be leveraged to remove preceding and trailing invisible characters from a string.[/font]
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