Saving file reference entities in a dynamic folder
I have an application where I will need to save files into specific folders by date. I figured out how to use the merge text editor to create the folders, and I think that the same logic will work to save the folders but for one thing, which is that I will have two folders with the same date.
I need to save files into two different folders (each file will only be put in one place, not both)
Wire forms8-19-20
Transaction Documentation8-19-20If I use the text editor to build the folder name of 8-19-20, how do I tell it which Parent folder it should use?
You can use a Fetch Entities step with the below properties to dynamically fetch a folder by its name:
[ul][li]Type: Folder[/li][li]Show Outcome for Single Result: True[/li][li]Fetch Criteria:[/li][li] entity_name | Equals | (Merge text for todays date in the same way you did to name the folders ex. 10/6/2020)[/li][li] deleted | Equals | False[/li][li] full_path | Contains | (either Wire Forms or Transaction Documentation) [/li][/ul]
Use the Result outcome path for a Save Entities or Create Document step to map EntityResult.FolderId into the ParentFolderId parameter of the new file reference entity or document.
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