Add \"Change Assignments\" without Admin rights
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]A client of ours wants to be able to give certain users the ability to manually change assignments via “All Assignments>right click>Change Assignment”. While adding a user to the “Designers” group lets them see the All Assignments folder in the portal, they don’t have the option to change. Only when I add them to the Administrators group, but the whole point is that they don’t have full admin rights, and in fact only want the users to be able to change assignments. How do I accomplish this?[/font]
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This can be done with several steps at Integration > Internal Services > Assignment and a Configuration Extension for Assignments. Ive put together a rough example of how you might accomplish this. Feel free to import, review, or modify it at your convenience.[/font]
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