Problems Downloading a File
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]We have files that our users attach to a process folder via the timeline on the right:[/font]
[font=Calibri, sans-serif][img]att1[/img][/font]
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]When the users attempt to press the download button, they get a failed download that shows up in the google chrome download tray below:[/font]
[font=Calibri, sans-serif][img]att2[/img][/font]
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]Which says that the download “Failed” due to “Server Problem”:[/font]
We believe that the problem has something to do with the Decisions cluster that this Decisions instance is running on. The “Download” button is able to download files attached to a process folder on our non-clustered Decisions server with no problems.Any insight on how to fix this is very much appreciated.
If this is happening in a clustered environment, you should ensure that each node has the same filestoragelocation property in settings.xml at C:Program FilesDecisionsDecisions Services Manager and that each nodes app pools in IIS are using the same account as Service Host Manager in Windows Services.
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