Tab Editor
Just wanted to check on this and see if I was missing something, but the tab editor is somewhat painful to use. We have forms that have dozens of controls on them and having to click the up/down arrows to sort that out is not great. Is there a way to get the old tab editor back or something else that I’m missing?
Another possibly faster way to edit tabs is by clicking on a control in a form, scrolling down to Size and Tabs" in the properties panel -
I can definitely do that, but I don’t really want to do it on 20-40 controls. We have that many on some forms
Unfortunately that tab editor and the size and tabs" area in the properties panel are the only two ways to fix tabs for now. Another way to avoid the up/down arrow mechanic is deselecting all desired controls and re-checking them in the order youd like them to be in for tabs. It still requires a bit of work but then you wouldnt have to switch between dialog boxes for each control or use the arrows.
I can put in a feature request for a "Select All" option to deselect (or select) everything and order the tabs from scratch there."
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