Radio Button List from Flow

Radio Button List from Flow


  • I wanted to make the Radio Button List" from flow and not using STATIC Values.
    When I tried passing value it creates Radio button for EACH LETTER of Word and not whole word.
    eg. Coaching...its creates radio buttons for each word like C

  • This can happen if you are passing a single string into this control. Can you confirm that you are passing in a string list into this control and not a single string?

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  • Im not quite sure how youre passing in data to the Radio Button List, but it should only take a list. Each entry should be a selection. So something about the data youre passing in is creating a list from a single string.

    In the following example, I create two pieces of data: singleString and stringList, which is single string and a list of strings respectively.
    When I try to pass both pieces of data into two Radio Button Lists, only the string list is accepted.

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