Display page and account questions
I am trying to display a ‘’page’’ for all users when they log into the decisions workflow. I clicked on the folder that the page would be under and added manage permission and granted them to “view/use” options but that does not seem to work.
My second question is there a way for users to be automatically placed into a group once they log in?
1.Users can not see the folder or the folder that contains the folder tree.
Here is the documentation link on Adding Page to a specific Folder : [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/adding-page-to-a-specific-folder/]https://documentation.decisions.com/adding-page-to-a-specific-folder[/url]2.Users are given a URL that allows them type in their user/pass through the AD process which then SHOULD place them in the all user group.
Requested documentation on Login User Flows: [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/login-user-flow-behavior/]https://documentation.decisions.com/login-user-flow-behavior/[/url]
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