GetByEmail Alternative
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]A product built on the decisions platform which is currently running on the 3.0 version has a need to be able to get thousands of user accounts by email. Currently there’s a spot that’s making a looped call to AccountService.Instance.[/font][font=Calibri, sans-serif]GetByEmail[/font][font=Calibri, sans-serif](userContext, email). Is there a way to get multiple user accounts by a list of e-mail addresses without incurring the overhead of the one by one call? I wouldn’[/font][font=Calibri, sans-serif]t[/font][font=Calibri, sans-serif] expect there to be, for the record.[/font]
Make a Report that has the data you want in it. View Integration Details" Voila - new service method.
Alternative - Make a flow - Call it."
I have a report with email and ID, which is all I need. I added an ‘email is in list’ filter so I could pass in a bunch of email addresses. I set the integration to WCF and see the sweet example for how to call it, but it doesn’t include the filter which I set to ‘settable at runtime’. How do I expose that param?
This could be a game changer.
There used to be a problem with runtime editable filters showing up. Let me get you the syntax and you can try without it showing up in definition but.... My guess is youre going to have to use a flow, not a report, because of that old bug. Or you can upgrade. If you come to the office Im going to tell you to upgrade anyway.
I can handle the flow.
I’ll let you know how it goes. We have an upgrade under test on a separate virtual, hopefully we won’t need to merge the two tracks. It’d be a CM... difficulty.
This will be resolved by rebuilding against 3.2 SDK.
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