SFTP component logging out?

SFTP component logging out?


  • Do the SFTP (Simple File Transfer Protocol) steps in the tool box automatically close/log out of the session it uses once it’s done uploading a file? I need to make sure that a step in a flow does this please. For security reasons, the connection cannot remain open if we are going to use these steps to transfer files using Decisions.

  • I do not see a specific end session/ logout step in our toolbox for SFTP steps. I have put in a request for information to our developers to see if we do that automatically with the steps.

  • Thanks, Erik, the sooner I know this, the better, if you can help stay on top of it.

  • I have received an update on from the developers.

    We automatically close the connection we use for all SFTP steps once the step is executed. However, we are not calling LOGOUT specifically.

    Bottom line, closing the connection and logging out are functionally the same thing.

    I hope this helps give you and your team confidence to use these SFTP steps in your workflows.

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