List of objects flows, db objects etc
Hi, we are on version 4.0.
Is there a way to pull from the database the list of all decision objects in use by our application: flows, forms, etc…
Is that possible using a DB query?
If the designer elements are all part of a project, then a list of these items can be retrieved by querying the module_resource table. The entity_id column of the module_resource table is also a foreign key for the element_registration tables component_registration_id column for further information about each designer element, and module_resource.entity_id relates to from_entity_id and to_entity_id in the module_resource_dependency table if you wanted to retrieve the dependencies of these items. A basic query to retrieve all designer items in a given project would look like:
select * from module_resource where module_name = MyProjectNote: This works with all versions of Decisions from 4.x and up.
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