Duplicate User Action After 6.10.2 Upgrade
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ISSUE: A specific application now has an extra user-action, Edit Task1, after the upgrade to release 6.10.2 in our Development environment. The new user action seems to do the same thing as the original Edit Task task. Why do we have this extra/duplicate task after the upgrade? Some notes from my own investigation...... There have not been any changes to this application for many months. Another application (i.e. another entity) has a user action by the same name. There have not been any changes to that other application/entity for many months, either. This problem does not happen in our Sandbox environment. Sandbox has both applications mentioned above. It was upgraded to release 6.11.0 several weeks ago. Changing the user action name in the other entity (in the development environment) did not make any difference to the original application - It still has the extra "Edit Task1" user action.[/font]
You can check to see if the extra user action is a favorited action by running the following [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/query-editor]query[/url]:
select * from favorite where type_of_favorite = Action and override_name like Edit Task%
Favoriting User Actions gives the user an option to add the favorite for all users. When for all users is chosen, the user_id column of the favorite is left null. If there is a record in favorite having the extra user actions name as its override_name and null for user_id, you can delete that record from the favorite table and restart Service Host Manager to remove the extra action.If there are no results to the above query, you can check for duplicate Action Classification objects by running this query:
select * from action_classification where action_name like Edit Task%
Additionally, the configuration folder of the type this action appears for may have a User Action flow that has been copied. If there is a copy, it can be deleted, disabled, or hidden with an Action Visibility Rule.
[i]edited by james.hartzell@decisions.com on 9/25/2020[/i]
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