Viewing the desktop site on mobile
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Is there a setting were we can set the default folder to the desktop folder view? We have a user using a mobile device and keeps getting an error message (see the attached image).[/font]
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[img]att1[/img] -
Most mobile browsers provide an option to request the desktop version of a website instead of the mobile site.
Some things to check on the Decisions side of things would include:
[ul][li]Specifying a user accounts Default Folder setting under System > Security > Accounts > [any account] > Edit Account[/li][li]Ensuring that the users home folder has not been deleted or archived (can be found by running this [url=]query[/url][ul][li][b]select entity_name, deleted, * from entity_folder where entity_name like Home[/b][/li][/ul][li]If the folder is deleted, please run an update statement to set deleted = 0, archived = 0, deleted_by to null, archived_by to null, deleted_on to null, and archived on to null[/li][/li][li]Ensuring that no page visibility rules are affecting home folders[/li][/ul]
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