Language Entry/Display Support?

Language Entry/Display Support?


  • Our customer needs to add dynamic content (scripts the coach will read to the patient) to their forms in various languages. We will build a form so that the users may create new scripts and update the existing forms to display the content based on a language param being passed in.


    Does Decisions support inputting Chinese characters on a form (ie. in a text box)?
    Can these characters be stored in the Decisions db?
    Do the forms support displaying the characters being read from the db?
  • Yes, Decisions can read various languages. To more specifically answer your questions, Decisions can support inputting Chinese characters on a form, store them in a database, and read them from a database.

  • And also display the characters from the db onto a form?

  • Yes, Decisions can do that.
    For example, it can fetch entities and display the characters in a list box, text box, etc.

  • Here is also documentation on how to use our translation service: [url=][/url]
    In the documentation they do not use the Chinese characters, but I have tested it on my machine and it works. Let me know if you have any more questions.

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