Sub Folder Permissions Inheritance
Good morning,
I am trying to resolve a permissions issue with sub folders that I am hoping you can help me with. I have a root folder that has appropriate permissions assigned. Within that folder are daily sub folders created by a scheduled job. I did not do anything to disable permission inheritance, and the root folder permissions existed prior to any of the sub folders being created. However the permissions are not carrying over.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Sounds like we need to ensure permissions are being inherited by the subfolder within your scheduled job flow. There is a step named [b]Enable Permission Inheritance[/b] under Integration > Internal Services > Folder Service that takes in a folder id and enables permissions inheritance on that folder. Add this step after your Create SubFolder step and use the output, CreateTransactionSubfolder_Output, which is the newly created subfolders ID.
Howdy, Stranger!
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