Agent Setup After Server Change and Software Upgra
Last weekend we moved our Decisions software to a different server and upgraded from version 3.5.1 to 4.0.11. After these changes, our Agents that we had set up within Decisions are no longer working. I tried resetting the agent identity, but that didn’t help because the agent was set up from a different server. From what I can tell, the only way to fix this is to uninstall the agent from the client machines and re-download and install so that it shows as from the current server for Decisions. Is that correct?
The bootstrapper agent service, the main service does need to be reinstalled so it can download the new agent core pieces from the app server. You do NOT need to delete the agent from your portal, just open the portal from the agent host machine and run the download agent action to reinstall.
How many agents do you have?
We only have two agents, currently. I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling on one of the agent machines. The uninstall worked, but I cannot re-install. Do I need to restart that client for the uninstall to be fully completed?
Howdy, Stranger!
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