Action flow entity inputs missing properties
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]We like to debug action flows inside entity configuration folders, but when we debug these flows, the input mapper shows only the custom properties, not the fundamental properties (like created_on_date or ID). We need the ID to debug the flow. Previously, we could define the ID and the debugger would fetch the entity and run it throw the flow correctly. But now that we can’t see the ID input, we have to wrap all of our action flows in a second flow and manually map in the ID.[/font]
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]By default, only the custom fields are accessible. When using the upload from XML/JSON action, you can specify the entity itself. After doing so, an EntityID field appears like the old view. This would be your ideal workaround since it can be saved as sample data and unit tests.[/font]
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