Preview Option
I’m working on a flow and I want to have one of our departments preview a previous form in their current portion of the flow. Is there a step for that? I was thinking of maybe there’s a button we can put on a form that they can press for them to preview the previous inputted form?
Please let me know.
If you use a Setup Process Folder step to track the progress of your flow, you can go to your process folder and be able to see previous forms that are associated with that particular process.
If you would like to use your option of having a user click a button on a form, you would have to use a sub dialog flow. You would need to pass the information that you would like to this sub dialog flow and recreate the form. When user click that button, the form would appear for them to view and then they could navigate back to the form they were originally on. Both solutions are very doable and could fit your use case.
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