Lunch and Learn 12/11/2024
0:00 Introduction
3:02 I'm getting an error: "Name: Error running step Send Email 1[SendEmailStep] in flow" on the email part, is there some setting we need to check
26:08 Where can I learn more about your process mining tool?
29:03 Hello Is there a way to change a color on the drop down box if specific input is selected? for example if the user selected Yes in the drop down it will turn green and if user selected No then it turns red
Thank you for sharing this information..
Thank you for sharing this information..
Howdy, Stranger!
- 4.2K All Categories
- 67 General
- 11 Training
- 202 Installation / Setup
- 1.1K Flows
- 106 Rules
- 262 Administration
- 212 Portal
- 490 General Q & A
- 695 Forms
- 333 Reports
- 3 Designer Extensions
- 47 Example Flows
- 52 CSS Examples
- 1 Diagram Tile
- 7 Javascript Controls
- 179 Pages
- 5 Process Mining
- New Features
- 179 Datastructures
- 69 Repository
- 221 Integrations
- 28 Multi-Tenant
- 27 SDK
- 78 Modules
- 56 Settings
- 25 Active Directory
- 12 Version 7
- 35 Version 8
- 83 Lunch And Learn Questions