Lunch and Learn 11/19/2024
0:00 Introduction
02:42 i want to know difference between getcurrentassignmentbyuseremail vs getassignmentbyuseremail
15:09 Is there a way to determine what project a flow is being executed from? A system variable of some sort?
26:56 hi, how can do some validations on a date field in a form..i need to compare the data entered with a value in the database , what is the best implementation, thanks
37:40 is it possible to get files from an online location (like a server or say AWS S3 bucket) and then store it in a Truth Table at a scheduled interval of time automatically?
Howdy, Stranger!
- 4.2K All Categories
- 68 General
- 11 Training
- 203 Installation / Setup
- 1.1K Flows
- 108 Rules
- 262 Administration
- 212 Portal
- 494 General Q & A
- 699 Forms
- 334 Reports
- 3 Designer Extensions
- 47 Example Flows
- 53 CSS Examples
- 1 Diagram Tile
- 7 Javascript Controls
- 180 Pages
- 5 Process Mining
- New Features
- 180 Datastructures
- 69 Repository
- 221 Integrations
- 28 Multi-Tenant
- 27 SDK
- 80 Modules
- 56 Settings
- 25 Active Directory
- 12 Version 7
- 35 Version 8
- 92 Lunch And Learn Questions