Setting Different User Actions for Multiple Pages on a Dashboard
I have a dashboard with multiple pages, and I would like to set up different user actions for each page. Is this achievable? If so, could you please guide me on how to implement this functionality?
Thank you!
To set different user actions for multiple pages on a dashboard, follow these steps:
- Add Actions for Each Page/Dashboard:
- Go to Manage → Page/Dashboard.
- Use the Add Flow as Action or Add Navigation as Action options to define the specific actions needed for each page.
- Insert an Actions Bar Component:
- Open the Page Designer for the specific page.
- Drag and drop the Actions Bar component into the layout where you want the actions to appear.
- Filter Actions for Each Page:
- Configure the Actions Bar to display only the relevant actions by filtering them by name. This ensures each page shows only the actions applicable to it.
- Hide the Default Actions Bar:
- For versions below 8.16, apply custom CSS to hide the default Actions Bar.
- For version 8.16 and above, simply use the Hide Actions Bar setting in the System Settings ->Portal Settings to hide the default bar.
By doing this, each page on your dashboard will display user actions tailored to its functionality, providing a clean and user-specific experience.
- Add Actions for Each Page/Dashboard:
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