How to Dynamically Navigate to a Nested Tab (C3) from Another Tab (A)?
I have a tab container with Tabs A, B, and C. Inside Tab C, there's another child tab container with tabs C1, C2, and C3.
What I'm trying to do is trigger a button click in Tab A that dynamically navigates to Tab C, specifically to the child tab C3.
How to achieve this requirement?
Hi, You can achieve this by utilizing the active form flow. Here's a general approach:
- Create Data Step: First, define a create data step that includes inputs for both the parent tab (Tab A) and the child tab (Tab C).
- Populate Tab Names: In the inputs, make sure to populate the tab names accordingly. This will allow you to specify the target tab for navigation.
- Change Value in Outputs: In the outputs section, use the "Change Value" action and select the appropriate form control to dynamically switch to Tab C and then to the child tab C3.
For your convenience, I’m attaching a sample project that demonstrates this setup. It should help you understand how to implement this approach.
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