How to Highlight A tab in form where we have validation issue.
To make it easier to spot validation issues on forms with multiple tabs, you can customize the validation styling to highlight the specific tab with the error. Here’s how:
- Customize Validation Styling: In the Form Designer, select the control that needs validation. In the Properties Panel, go to View > Validations > Control Validation Settings and click the Edit icon.
- Override Validation Settings: Enable the Override Validation Settings option to access additional settings, which allow you to adjust how validation errors appear—like changing the tab’s border or background color when it has an error.
- Adjust Display Options: Set validation messages to appear as icons, text, or both to make validation issues stand out.
Following these steps will highlight tabs with validation issues, helping users quickly find and correct errors. For further details, you can refer to the Customizing Validations in Decisions documentation.
Hi.. Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I don't see any option where I can customize the Tab's Border or background which can highlight tabs with validation messages. I would like to highlight the tab name. Can you please share some screenshot where these options are available. (I am working at V9.4)
Hey, if you are trying to achieve this during runtime then currently we don't have such option to customize the Tab during runtime. We can have this as a Feature Request for future.
Howdy, Stranger!
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