The dates are not displayed in defined culture while running a flow
I've changed my instance's culture to ‘en-AU : English (Australia)’ by navigating to system-> Settings-> Portal Settings-> Globalization Settings-> Default culture.
On doing so, all the dates in my report is displayed in the desired format i'e., 'dd/MM/yyyy' in reports, but on checking the values when debugging the flow or using a log step to write date, it is still in 'MM/dd/yyyy' format.
Can someone explain how to resolve this?
The date format that's coming in the flow does not depend on the user culture or instance culture, but they are dependent on the Windows culture of the machine where decisions is hosted.
To check the Windows culture, open the PowerShell and run the Get-Culture, and check if the Windows culture is also set to ‘en-AU: English (Australia)’, else change that to required.
If you are hosting decisions in one machine and DB in another, then check the Windows culture of both machines and update accordingly.
If the issue persists reach out to
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