Lunch and Learn 10/30/2024
0:00 Introduction
1:35 I have a question about assignments
23:21 "How does ""string list contains 2 of 1 work""? I expected this result to return True.
{INPUTS: { list: [null,null,""ABCA4"",""ABCA4"",""POS-VUS"",""POS-VUS""],values: [""ABCA4""],caseInsensitive: true},OUTPUTS: [{path: ""False"",data: {}}]}"
9:57 Tried to use Magic CSS on a form in Edge but the popup window did not respond to any control highlighted on the form.
42:27:00 How do you make different parts of grid editable based on the form flow data. data repeater vs data grid when should I use a data repeater instead of advance data grid
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