Lunch and Learn 10/24/2024
0:00 Introduction
0:56 can you show how to open a Page direction from a folder?
8:57 I have a question on Rule Table, is there a way to output the Rule Table definition in json in v9? I was told that there is a step in v8 called GetRuleDefinition but I could not find it in v9.
14:22 Can page form controls be made available in an AFF sub flow?
23:03 Hi, on the dashboard you are creating, how can we get the url to share with the users, thanks, we are in version 9,thanks
24:13 Hi, I want to transform data before showing it in a table in a form/page which will surface in another web app. I've been trying forms with advanced data grids or csv editors (list to csv mapping) but I've only been able to create a simple table where each row is a selection of fields from the object. Any advice on transforming the structure of the table? Is it possible to define the columns in csv dynamically?
30:13 is there a way to kick off an exe located on the C\temp\ directory based on a schedule?
49:10 Hi, another question, is there a way to output the content of a Rule Table instead of only the output? The GetRuleDefinition does not give the full content.
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