Lunch and Learn 10/23/2024
0:00 Introduction
3:25 Can you show us how to use a flow to update an entity? We use a form, essentially, to create an entity, but are getting hung up on how to edit one previously created.
15:27 Hi, had a question on xml data structure, is this created when you upload an xml?, one of you had helped deserialize and serialize in one of the sessions and we used the sample book.xml for that, I do get an error that it cannot recognize our xml, and I am assuming it is because of the structure, thanks for all your help
23:10 Is there a step that allows a form to be 'reset' back to it's starting state without having to set every control field back to it's default (form input values)?
31:35 what is the best way to update the mapping in a list of data structures.
Hi everyone, How can I delete some specific records from a dashboard report in production? I need to clean some records that contain specific status
55:06 Hi,is there a way I can add download to excel in a form , we are using advanced grid ,thanks
Howdy, Stranger!
- 4.2K All Categories
- 68 General
- 11 Training
- 203 Installation / Setup
- 1.1K Flows
- 108 Rules
- 262 Administration
- 212 Portal
- 494 General Q & A
- 699 Forms
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- 47 Example Flows
- 53 CSS Examples
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- 180 Pages
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- 35 Version 8
- 92 Lunch And Learn Questions