Lunch and Learn 10/22/2024
0:00 Introduction
1:21 "Currently we are creating all our database connections in a common project with any queries needed. Is it possible to leave the connections in the common project and store the queries themselves in their relevant projects and not in the common project? I spoke with Gregory yesterday and he thought it was plausible. Just curious how that might be done.
And as a follow-up question, the query results carry the connection & query names as the object name. If the connection type ever changes in the future, seems like that would cause an issue? Is there a better way to manage the resulting query data? Move to a generic data structure?"
17:28 "hi, when creating a form , is there a way I can achieve dependant data display..based on the selection in a dropdown the next txt box should be populated
question 2- how can I design the form so that the txt boxes etc are easily aligned.
question 3- did not get how I can create a dashboard in version 9 and share the url with iusers, we do have pages etc in out project"
30:49 Hello, I have a form that accepts files I want to show all attached items in my form at the bottom if possible.
41:20 I would like to run a query (created from an external db connection) based on a data field in a data structure (a string field with the query name). Is there a way for a flow to accept a query name and run it on the fly within the flow? I’ve tried the Run Defined Query step and that only runs local queries. I’ve also looked at the Call Internal Decisions Services (QueryDefinitionService) step and can’t seem to find what I need there either. How can I build a flow to run an external query (with parameters) adhoc? Also, in testing the Run Defined Query step, it doesn’t seem to return results. When I run a query from the query editor, I get results. When I run the same query from Run Defined Query, I get no results and there doesn’t even seem to be an output to that step
Howdy, Stranger!
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