Lunch and Learn 10/21/2024
0:00 Introduction
4:25 "1. how can I make a txt field or any field non editable in a form
2. how can I add validations to fields in a form...we have multiple fields on the form and hence need to validate all he conditions, also how can we display these validations
3. is there a tooltip to display instructions on the form
4. how can we expose pages to users"
26:16 Hello how I was wondering how do could you autofill a data grid based on data pulled at the start of the flow and populate that form with data and also allow that data to be editable
36:28 Hello is there a option to create a schedule job that send reminders and runs everyday and will stop on the certain day or that would be a validation rather than a job?
49:00 Question on custom end form: What happens if you have just a message and the Done button? Will it then go back to Decisions?
Howdy, Stranger!
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