Registration Id: Entity is not part of the project
Hello Decisions,
I've recently upgraded to v9 and converted my project, however I'm getting some validations on some of my system wide steps in my flows. The flows are still working as expected, but I'd like to clear those validations to make edits to the flows.
The steps I'm using with validations are as follows: Merge String Subflow, Convert string to Int32 subflow, Get unique strings from List subflow, and rule collection filters.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hey there, thanks for using the Decisions Community forum!
In v9, there are some systemwide steps that were replaced with different steps.
Here's what you'd replace those steps with:
-Merge String Subflow: Join Strings
-Convert string to Int32: Create Data step using the default converter flow on the input
-Get Unique strings from List: Get distinct list of strings
-Rule Collection Filter: Filter List
Levi | Decisions Support
Adding to the above:
Please replace any " Value Is True" and "Value Is False" steps with the "True/False Rule" step.
Howdy, Stranger!
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