How does Pagination affect performance if I have 1000+ rows?
Hello Decisions,
If I have a dashboard that displays 100 rows per page, with more than 1000+ rows in total, how does Decisions handle loading the rows? Are all 1000+ rows loaded at once, or are they only loaded per page?
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Currently the way Pagination works in Decisions is that it will load the rows per page, not all at once.
So, if you're viewing the first 100, only the first 100 will be loaded. Upon moving to the next page, the first 200 are then loaded. On page 3, 300 and so on.
Generally, when looking at a dashboard, if you're loading 100 rows and you expect your users to be navigating to the 10th page often, this may have an impact on performance since it would load 1000 rows every time that page would be navigated to.
Levi | Decisions Support
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