How to Apply Logic to Individual Excel Rows?

I'm working on building a flow where a user uploads an Excel file and my flow processes it on a row-by-row basis. I understand how to get the file into my Decisions flow, but I don't want to map every row to the same datastructure. Instead, I want my flow to pull values from certain cells and decide where to map subsequent rows based upon what value is in those rows. I can try a ForEach, but it doesn't break-up my excel document. How can break the Excel document up into individual rows to allow for me to add this logic?
From what you're describing, it sounds like you might want to use the For Each Excel or CSV Row step (
This allows for an Excel or CSV file of type FileData to be passed into the step, and the step passes-out a DynamicRowData datatype - one per each row in the Excel or CSV - that captures up to 99 fields per row to be mapped like strings to various steps to apply logic where needed. This should allow you to map each row to its appropriate datatype, as well as use data in the cells to run to Rules/Truth Tables/Match String steps to determine how it should be handled in the loop.
We hope this helps!
-Gregory, Decisions Support
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