How To Reassign an Assignment to Someone Else?


I've got a flow that creates assignments for certain users to fill-out. But now, I'm trying to implement some logic where those users can reassign these tasks to other users. I can get the assignment ID, but I'm not sure how to move the assignment from one person to another. How would I go about doing this?


  • Hello!

    This can be acoomplished with the ChangeAssignment method. To access this method, navigate to the Flow Toolbox in the flow editor and select "Call Internal Decisions Service" under Integration > Internal Services. In the step properties, select "Assignment" for the service name and "ChangeAssignment" for the method name. All that needs to be done from here is to pass-in the assignment ID and the accounts/groups to reassign the assignment to, as shown below:

    We hope this helps!


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