Fetching Some Documents From Azure Results in Email Problem?


I've created a flow using the Azure module to fetch documents from azure and get them to my geology group via a Send Email step. So my process looks something like this:

  1. Fetch file from Azure with a name like "Rock Properties: Malachite"
  2. Attach the file to a Send Email in the Attachments input

When I do this with the files called "Monthly Rocks Facts", I don't have any issues. However, the email above seems to give me problems with the Rock Properties files; the email just doesn't send.

Is there maybe a size limit I'm hitting here silently? I don't see any error being thrown. What might be the cause of this?


  • Hello!

    Based on what you are describing, it sounds like the issue is the filename itself. Windows does not allow for the inclusion the ":" in file names, which looks to be causing a problem with the Send Email sending these messages. There are two workarounds here:

    1. Rename the files in the Azure storage

    2. When choosing to attach a file, select "Build Data" on the input instead of "Select From Flow" and pass-in a different name, as shown below:

    And pass-in the new filename without the colon:

    We hope this helps!


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