Merge String List to Single String
In version 9 the common system converters/flows now throw up a validaiton issue. They still work, but in theory should be replaced by something within the project (or a dependency).
For some of these issues I have, there are Steps which can be used to replace the functionality.
However, Merge String List to Single String doesn't seem to have a step equilvalent
Is there a solution on the way for these? Or perhaps a step, or step combination I haven't spotted?
These converter flows should not be throwing a validation issue when being executed. I assume the validation being thrown is Entity is not part of the project. This is a defect that is being addressed.
You can recreate the configuration you've screenshotted within Decisions to perform this function. Below I've attached an example converted flow for merging a list into a string (the flow will be under the "Flows" subfolder).
Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact:
Yes, only a validation in designer, not on run. So the final solution will involve being able to use these flows in the future? Then I'll live with the validation error.
Turns out there is a Join Strings step, that somehow I had failed to locate on two seperate occassions.
Strangely enough the docbot found it for me!
Howdy, Stranger!
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