Lunch and Learn 9/16/2024
0:43 we need just some general guidance on something. We okay, so our back end databases oracle. We have a couple of tables, paren t and child tables. Each of them has a primary key based on the same 2 fields, and there's a foreign key between them that says they gotta match right. and what I'm wondering is what the
what the effect is going to be in decisions, because obviously in decisions, we have these database definitions that point to these tables.
When you create these database definitions, right? There's a there are 2 lists, one of which gives you a whole set of fields, all all checked, and the other checks the fields that are primary keys. And so all of this is gonna change.
So what I'm wondering is.
you know, is there a way to
Well, what's what's gonna what's going to be affected. You know this. The steps are going to be affected, I would think, and also the flows that have those steps
in them are going to be affected.
so yeah, when when these primary keys get changed, what's gonna happen.
13:33 I have a Case Entity that has 15 states (levels of approval) associated with it. This CE is tied to a flow that will process all the payment requests across the university. We will have multiple flows that will create an entry in this CE. We will have payment request that are very light and only require approval from 2 or 3 of the 15 possible states and some that may require approval from all of them (and anything in between). We will know the criteria for each state as the payment request is being created.
Here are my issues:
If only states 1,3,5 and 8 are required, I don’t want the other possible states to show on user dashboards (I plan to make a generic dashboard so that requestors and approvers can see exactly where a request is at any give time).
I need to know ahead of any trigger flow on each state what the next state will be since it may not be the next one in line (state 3 many need to skip to state 5 instead of 4 based on the criteria) and I don’t want to have to write criteria on each state since I know it at the creation of the CE.
Here’s what I was thinking:
Run a flow to evaluate the criteria for each state when the case entity is created and remove the states from folder_state that will not be utilized. This will allow the dashboard to only surface valid states for the request being created.
Create an entity extension on entity folder_state to contain a field called NextState which will hold the state that will be executed after the current state
Just wondering if you have any thoughts on this or if there is another way I should be approaching this situation.
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